Women's Journal

Empower Health: Thriving Through Menopause

Empower Health Thriving Through Menopause
Photo Courtesy: Kay Bloom

By: Kay Bloom

Navigating the maze of women’s health, menopause is often depicted as a series of hot flashes and mood swings. But we all know it goes way deeper than that. The end of periods marks a significant turning point where declining estrogen starts silently shaping our health in ways we didn’t expect. From weakening bones to how our heart beats, low estrogen levels during menopause impact multiple aspects of our well-being.

Estrogen, a key hormone in our bodies, has many vital roles. It helps maintain bone density, keeps our cholesterol in check, and supports our brains. When estrogen levels drop dramatically during menopause, our bodies show new vulnerabilities, increasing risks for conditions like osteoporosis, heart disease, cognitive challenges, and vaginal health problems.

Osteoporosis is one of the major concerns that arise. It’s not just about weaker bones—it poses a serious risk for fractures that can diminish our independence and quality of life. The reality is that reduced estrogen speeds up bone loss. But there’s good news: research shows that just three 20-minute strength training sessions per week can significantly increase bone mass. This isn’t just about building strength; it’s about empowering ourselves against osteoporosis.

Heart health is another area that becomes more complicated post-menopause. With estrogen no longer providing its natural protection, our risk for cardiovascular issues increases. Yet, there’s hope in our dietary choices. Embracing a heart-healthy diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, found in foods like salmon, chia seeds, walnuts, and flaxseeds, can build a strong defense against heart diseases. This shift isn’t just healing—it’s a testament to living well beyond menopause.

Cognitive changes can also be unsettling. The foggy memory and concentration difficulties many women experience are real. However, mental exercises are potent tools for keeping our brains sharp. Regularly learning new skills and engaging in varied activities—such as learning a new language, playing a musical instrument, or taking up a new hobby like painting or gardening—not only enriches our lives but also builds new neural pathways, keeping our minds responsive and resilient.

Low estrogen can cause dryness, not just in our skin—making it crepey—but also in our genitals, which can lead to vaginal atrophy. This atrophy can result in uncomfortable urinary issues. To combat these issues, it’s essential to maintain vaginal and urinary health. Regular pelvic floor exercises, like Kegels, can strengthen the muscles responsible for urinary control, while using vaginal moisturizers and staying hydrated may help alleviate dryness. Additionally, incorporating foods rich in phytoestrogens, like flax seeds and soy, can offer natural hormone support. These combined strategies can significantly improve comfort and reduce the risk of infections, helping you feel more at ease and healthy.

Tackling these challenges requires more than solo efforts. It necessitates aware and supportive networks where we can share experiences and strategies. Online communities like Bloomer Brigade are places where women can find encouragement and share their journey through similar challenges posed by low estrogen.

Many women find that in addition to a supportive community, having expert guidance makes implementing these lifestyle changes more achievable and sustainable. Programs like LifeBloom Menopause provide the mentorship and community support you need to make lasting, positive changes in your life.

Additionally, video content on platforms like Kay Bloom offers clear, visual guidance on managing these long-term health risks—whether through demonstration of exercises or shared nutritional advice.

Recognizing menopause’s complexity means engaging actively with our health as our body’s needs change. By incorporating strength training, prioritizing heart-healthy, omega-3-rich diets, stimulating our minds through mental exercises, and reinforcing pelvic muscles, we don’t just manage—we begin to thrive through these changes. 

In essence, managing low estrogen levels during menopause is about rewriting narratives—not merely adapting to vulnerabilities but proactively crafting robustness into every facet of health henceforth.

Embrace this transformative journey with knowledge and strength, and redefine menopause as a chapter of vibrant health and empowerment.

Medical Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, nor does it replace professional medical expertise or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.


Published by: Khy Talara

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