Women's Journal

Who Am I? – A Ground-Breaking Memoir Reveals the Trials and Triumphs of an Illegally Adopted Mohawk Woman

Michelle Rice-Gauvreau
Photo Credit To: Michelle Rice Gauvreau

By: Lamourie Media

There were a lot of memoirs released in 2023, but if only one is on your list for new years reading, the powerful and important story that Michelle Rice-Gauvreau shares in her book “Who Am I?” should be the one.  

Casting a spotlight on an often overlooked aspect of indigenous history, “Who Am I?” offers a raw and intimate account of a journey that paints a stark portrait of an unsettling chapter of indigenous history. 

It found an audience quickly, soaring to the top spot in Amazon’s new releases for Native American Biographies, and consistently ranking within the top ten.

Born on a Mohawk Reservation in Canada, Michelle was illicitly adopted and raised in an abusive home in the United States. Taking her readers through a tumultuous journey, she recounts her childhood in the 1960s and 70s, a period when discussions on mental health were largely taboo and safeguards for vulnerable individuals were desperately lacking. Her story is not just a testament to her resilience but a stark illustration of the circumstances that many native adoptees grappled with.

Over the span of four years, Michelle painstakingly penned down her journey. “Who Am I?” is more than a memoir. It is an honest exploration of her experiences surrounding her adoption as a Native American child. Navigating through the harrowing landscapes of her past wasn’t easy. However, Michelle recognized that her tale was one that needed to reach the world, especially to uplift other adoptees struggling with their circumstances.

Michelle’s life stands as an embodiment of the undying spirit of her Mohawk heritage. Her path to understanding, acceptance, and forging a life without the initial foundations of family love and belonging highlights the broader issues beleaguering indigenous communities, especially in North America. As a compelling narrative unspools through the pages, readers witness an extraordinary story of strength, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of identity, family, and happiness.

Today, Michelle is not just an author but a passionate advocate for adoptees in search of peace, truth, and hope. Her story makes for a fascinating narrative, with profound insights lending themselves to resonant media segments or interviews. Despite the immense challenges she faced due to her illegal adoption, Michelle has triumphed above her circumstances and is now a respected professional working for a prestigious law firm in Connecticut. 

The profound impact of her memoir was initially a surprise for Michelle. She said had never anticipated the surge of attention that followed its publication in July of 2023. The overwhelming response and recognition has inspired her to embark on two more literary projects in the near future. One is a book focusing on coping and healing, while the other is tailored for children, aiming to offer guidance and support to those facing similar struggles.

The resonance of ‘Who Am I?’ is indisputable. It’s a narrative that echoes in the hearts of its readers, leaving a lasting impression that sparks a newfound empathy and understanding for those dealing with the complexities of adoption, especially within indigenous communities.

Michelle Rice-Gauvreau is a shining beacon of strength, and courage. Her intention in sharing her tremendously personal story is not merely to chronicle her journey but to inspire and help others facing similar struggles.  This she has done. Her memoir stands as a testament to the endurance of the human spirit and the tenacity of an individual who, in spite of the struggles and traumas she faced,  remained unbroken.

More information about Michelle, her fascinating book and her compelling journey can be found at www.michellegauvreau.com. For further updates and to connect with her personally, follow Michelle on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

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