Women's Journal

Inspiring Positivity: Janice Delima Tentler’s Advocacy for Mental Health

Inspiring Positivity: Janice Delima Tentler's Advocacy for Mental Health
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Janice Delima Tentler, the driving force behind Alegre De Pilipinas LLC, stands out not only as a fashion and business aficionado but also as a strong advocate for mental health. Her digital presence is more than a canvas for her professional pursuits; it’s a platform where she consistently shares uplifting messages and positive quotes, contributing to the well-being of those who may be navigating challenging times.

Hailing from Leyte, Philippines, Janice’s formative years were shaped by a supportive family – Santos Delima, Erlinda Delima, James Delima, and Jerson Delima. As the youngest and sole daughter, she experienced unwavering protection and encouragement from her brothers. Her early years were characterized by joy, warmth, and the blossoming of her inherent talents.

From a tender age, Janice showcased a prodigious flair for singing and dancing. Her abilities matured, propelling her onto grander stages. Her vocal prowess earned her the title of “Singer of the Year” during her high school years, a testament to her exceptional musical talents.

Post high school, Janice embarked on an educational journey, initially pursuing a two-year accountancy program at San Jose Recoletos in Cebu City. Driven by her passion for music, she shifted to Mountain View College, dedicating another two years to refining her musical skills. Her academic pursuits eventually led her to San Carlos University, where she pursued a Bachelor of Secondary Education.

Inspiring Positivity: Janice Delima Tentler's Advocacy for Mental Health

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Simultaneously, Janice ventured into the modeling scene, aligning herself with Chameleon Models under the management of Amy Undaloc from Zee Magazine. Despite her demanding role in a prestigious five-star hotel, Janice’s charisma and talent set her apart, making her a captivating presence in any setting.

Janice’s proficiency extended beyond the realms of performance art; she demonstrated a keen aptitude for drawing and artistry. Winning various pageants and hosting events further bolstered her self-assurance. As a front-act singer, she shared the stage with renowned Filipino artists during their global concert tours, solidifying her reputation as a gifted performer.

Currently holding titles like Mrs. Great Lakes Earth 2022 and Mrs. Philippines International Universe 2023, Janice’s life took a new trajectory when she married Dewayne Tentler. Their union blessed them with three children – Charlie Karl, Noah, and Saviona. Janice’s commitment to her passion for singing persisted even after motherhood. She not only continued to sing but also imparted her musical wisdom to her children, who frequently showcase their talents on stage, especially at their local church.

Janice Tentler’s mellifluous voice serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration. Beyond personal fulfillment, she leverages her talent to uplift others, becoming a voice for those who may go unheard. One of her preferred songs, “Grace,” resonates deeply with both Janice and her audience, embodying a spirit of upliftment.

In weaving together her commitment to mental health advocacy with her extraordinary talents, Janice Delima Tentler emerges as a beacon of positivity. Her life story, adorned with achievements and passions, is a testament to the transformative power of art and talent in shaping a positive impact on the world.

Inspiring Positivity: Janice Delima Tentler's Advocacy for Mental Health

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For those curious to delve into Janice’s journey and witness her performances, her Facebook page and photo albums offer a comprehensive view. Additionally, her children’s captivating performances can be enjoyed through the following links:

Janice’s Facebook

Janice’s photo albums

Children’s performances

Janice’s singing

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