Women's Journal

Courtney H. Jackson, Tampa’s Trailblazing CEO

Courtney H. Jackson, Tampa's Trailblazing CEO
Photo Courtesy: Auste Graham - Ice Shot Productions

In the bustling business landscape of Tampa Bay, a name has recently emerged that embodies the spirit of innovation and leadership: Courtney H. Jackson. As the Founder and CEO of Paragon Cyber Solutions, Ms. Jackson has swiftly ascended to prominence, not only for her company’s remarkable achievements but also for her personal accolades in a year that can only be described as stellar. The year 2023 marked a significant milestone in Jackson’s career, with multiple awards celebrating her leadership and Paragon Cyber Solutions’ impact on the cybersecurity industry. Now, as we step into 2024, Ms. Jackson is poised to embark on an ambitious new venture—the Gateway to Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program—further solidifying her status as one of Tampa Bay’s influential business figures.

Courtney H. Jackson’s journey is not just a story of business acumen; it’s a narrative about breaking barriers and setting new benchmarks. Her passion for providing women with opportunities in male-dominated industries has been a guiding light throughout her career. This dedication was recognized when she was named the 2023 Tampa Bay Business Journal Businesswoman of the Year—an honor that reflects both her individual achievements and her commitment to fostering diversity within the tech sector.

Under Jackson’s visionary leadership, Paragon Cyber Solutions has not only excelled in delivering top-tier cybersecurity solutions but also garnered widespread acclaim within the business community. The veteran-owned company was celebrated as the winner of the Tampa Bay Chamber Small Business of the Year award, an accolade that underscores its role as a cornerstone in the local economy and its exemplary operational standards.

Further elevating its status, Paragon Cyber Solutions was honored at the 13th Annual GrowFL Florida Companies to Watch Awards Celebration—a testament to its innovative practices and substantial growth under Jackson’s stewardship. These recognitions are not merely badges of honor but markers of Paragon’s influential role in shaping cybersecurity practices regionally and beyond.

However, Courtney H. Jackson is not one to rest on her laurels. With an eye always on the future, she is gearing up to announce an exciting initiative set to launch this year: The Gateway to Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program. Aimed at assisting entrepreneurs with jumpstarting and scaling their businesses, this program embodies Jackson’s passion for mentorship and empowerment—a cause close to her heart.

Jackson expressed her enthusiasm for this new endeavor stating, “Empowering aspiring entrepreneurs, especially women trying to carve their niche in male-dominated fields, is not just about leveling the playing field—it’s about reshaping it entirely.” This statement encapsulates her vision for creating more inclusive industries where talent thrives irrespective of gender.

The program promises a comprehensive suite of resources tailored to address the unique challenges faced by startups. From securing funding to navigating market entry strategies, participants will benefit from Jackson’s wealth of experience and expansive network. It represents another layer in her multifaceted approach towards fostering innovation while promoting gender equality within professional spheres.

Social media platforms like Instagram have provided glimpses into Jackson’s life (@IamCourtneyHJackson), where she often shares insights into leadership, resilience, and entrepreneurship aimed at inspiring others on their journeys. Additionally, through platforms such as LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/in/courtneyhjackson/) and her website (www.courtneyhjackson.com), she extends valuable advice gleaned from years at the forefront of technological advancements and strategic business development.

As Courtney H. Jackson continues to chart this course filled with ambition and purposeful actions towards inclusivity in technology and entrepreneurship arenas alike – it becomes clear why she stands out as Tampa Bay’s trailblazing CEO. The significance of these accomplishments goes beyond personal success; they signal shifting tides in industry norms —towards greater diversity and equal opportunity.

As we watch Courtney H. Jackson’s journey unfold with anticipation for what lies ahead with her Gateway to Entrepreneurship Accelerator Program—and indeed all other future ventures—one thing remains certain: Her influence will continue shaping Tampa Bay’s business landscape profoundly. And perhaps more importantly—her work will inspire countless others across sectors striving toward innovation while championing inclusion along every step of their path.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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