Women's Journal

Love Over Labels: One Woman’s Fight for a More Inclusive World

Love Over Labels One Woman's Fight for Inclusivity
Photo Courtesy: Meagan Tehseldar

 Tehseldar attending Houston’s Moments of Joy Festival, 2024

In a world where every child’s potential should be valued, Meagan Tehseldar stands at the forefront of special education advocacy through her Houston-based organization, Love Over Labels Advocacy. Tehseldar, a dedicated educator and a mother to a non-speaking autistic child, has channeled over a decade of professional and personal experience into a mission that champions the rights and needs of special needs families.

Love Over Labels Advocacy was established to fill a crucial gap in support and resources for families navigating the complexities of Special Education. Tehseldar offers various services, including free consultations, attending Individualized Education Program (IEP) and 504 meetings, educating parents on their rights, and guiding them through the initial diagnosis process. Her hands-on approach ensures parents never feel lost or isolated during their child’s educational journey.

Tehseldar’s extensive background in education, which includes creating inclusive curriculums and leading statewide teacher training, provides her with an in-depth understanding of the educational system’s inner workings. Her efforts have extended from classrooms to the state level, always driven by a commitment to equity and inclusion. This professional expertise is further enriched by her personal experiences as a parent, allowing her to empathize deeply with the families she supports.

The legacy of advocacy in special education runs deep in Ms. Tehseldar’s family. Her great-grandfather, Alfonso B. Perez, was a World War II Air Force Veteran and a pioneer in the field of special education, becoming the first Mexican-American principal in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and the first Hispanic assistant superintendent of Special Education for LAUSD. Perez’s dedication to improving educational opportunities for disabled children has left an enduring impact, and his influence continues to inspire Tehseldar’s work today.

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Photo Courtesy: Meagan Tehseldar
Alfonso Bernard Perez Collection (AFC/2001/001/34427), Veterans History Project, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress

Tehseldar’s advocacy is driven by a belief that every child deserves to learn, grow, and thrive in an environment where they feel valued. Her organization’s mission reflects this belief, striving to dismantle the barriers that often hinder special needs students from reaching their full potential. Through Love Over Labels Advocacy, Tehseldar provides not only practical support but also a sense of hope and validation for parents.

Meagan Tehseldar’s story is one of perseverance and passion. Her dual roles as an educator and a mother provide her with a unique perspective that bridges the gap between theory and practice in special education. This blend of professional and personal insight allows her to offer comprehensive support to families, ensuring that they are well-informed and empowered to advocate for their children’s rights.

In addition to her advocacy work, Tehseldar holds a Master’s degree in Education and more than a decade of hands-on experience, further solidifying her expertise and commitment to the field. Her contributions to special education advocacy are not only a continuation of her family’s legacy but also a testament to her dedication to creating a more inclusive world.

Tehseldar’s organization offers a wide array of services tailored to the unique needs of each family. Free consultations serve as an initial touchpoint where parents can discuss their concerns and receive guidance on the next steps. Tehseldar also accompanies parents to IEP and 504 meetings, ensuring that their voices are heard and their children’s needs are met. This support extends to educating parents about their rights within the educational system, empowering them with the knowledge necessary to advocate effectively for their children.

One of the challenging aspects for parents is obtaining an initial diagnosis for their child. Tehseldar assists families through this often-overwhelming process, providing clarity and support from start to finish. By demystifying the diagnosis journey, she helps parents make informed decisions about their child’s education and development.

Tehseldar’s commitment to inclusion goes beyond her professional work. Her personal journey as a mother to a non-speaking autistic child gives her advocacy work a profound and authentic perspective. She understands firsthand the emotional and practical challenges that families face, and she uses this insight to guide her interactions with clients. This combination of professional expertise and personal experience allows her to meet parents where they are, providing compassionate support that acknowledges and validates their struggles.

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Photo Courtesy: Meagan Tehseldar
Tehseldar and her five year daughter Stella, diagnosed with non speaking autism

Love Over Labels Advocacy continues to make a significant impact on the lives of special needs families across the nation. By providing essential resources and support, Tehseldar helps parents navigate the often daunting special education landscape with confidence and clarity. Her work ensures that every child, regardless of their abilities, has the opportunity to succeed in an inclusive and supportive educational environment.

For more information about Love Over Labels Advocacy, visit their website at Love Over Labels, follow them on Instagram at Love Over Labels Advocacy Instagram, or connect on Facebook at Love Over Labels Facebook.

Published by: Martin De Juan

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