Women's Journal

Christine Burke: A Distinguished Pioneer in Genetic Genealogy and Law Enforcement

Christine Burke: A Distinguished Pioneer in Genetic Genealogy and Law Enforcement
Photo Credit To: Midjourney

Christine Burke is a distinguished force within the spheres of genetic genealogy and law enforcement. Her trailblazing journey has shaped the landscape of modern investigative techniques through innovation and tireless dedication.

As owner of the globally renowned Strategic Intelligence Services, PLLC, since 2008, Christine brings world-class investigative prowess to clients worldwide. She fearlessly traverses the complex world of private investigation, driven by her commitment to uncover the truth.

Beyond investigation, Christine is also a passionate educator. She founded Continuing Education And Training, LLC, an online school advancing professional development. This reflects her lifelong commitment to knowledge and learning, and she has proved to be an instrumental agent in advancing professional development for many.

In the fast-paced, ever-evolving landscape of policing, Burke carves a significant position as an IADLEST Certified Law Enforcement Instructor. Her impressive contributions to Genetic Genealogy For Law Enforcement classes and services have played pivotal roles in shaping cutting-edge investigative techniques.

The compelling potential of genetic genealogy, a transformative domain within crime-solving, led Burke to lay the foundation of the Forensic Genetic Genealogy Professional Genetic Genealogist certificate training program. Designed to empower law enforcement professionals, victims, and individuals who wish to solve non-paternity events, adoptions, and criminal cases, her initiative has proved ground-breaking. 

Burke’s impressive journey also includes a tenure as Vice President of Marketing Communication and Production at Citigroup for over seven years. Before her corporate stint, she served on the front lines of law enforcement in South Florida. From officer to detective to sergeant – she showcased her versatility, demonstrating her unwavering commitment to public service.

Contributing further to law enforcement, Burke was also part of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. Her diverse roles have painted a portrait of a dedicated individual who is committed to making a difference in her community.

As a master storyteller, Burke has also ventured into the media sphere. Her appearances as a guest investigator on Investigation Discovery, roles in motion pictures such as The Maddening, and guest appearances on many podcasts testify to her proficiency in blending analytical rigor with riveting storytelling. She has also recently published a series of award-winning cozy mysteries focused on cold case genetic genealogy investigations.

Armed with a Master’s degree in Organizational Management and a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice/Psychology, Burke stands as a brilliant beacon of lifelong learning. Over 160 continuing education classes form a part of her academic repertoire, reflecting her continuous pursuit of knowledge.

Emerging in the field of Genetic Genealogy, Christine Burke is triumphantly carving out her legacy as a Forensic Genetic Genealogist. She seamlessly blends her roles to create a potent blend of law enforcement experts, trainers, and private investigators. 

Her journey goes beyond accolades and positions; it resonates as a narrative of unwavering resilience, ground-breaking innovation, and a passionate pursuit of truth. Whether it’s traversing the labyrinthine intricacies of investigative work or pioneering the future of genetic inquiry in criminology, Christine Burke stands at the vanguard of change and innovation within her field. Her enduring impact on the intersection of science and justice is perfectly encapsulated in her potent motto: ‘When “no” is not an option, give me a call!’

Christine Burke’s career is a vibrant tapestry of entrepreneurial ventures, law enforcement roles, pioneering contributions to genetic genealogy, and compelling narratives, each stitch reflecting her unwavering dedication and resolute spirit. She is truly a trailblazer whose work at the juncture of genetics and justice continues to inspire and make an indelible impact globally.

To learn more about Christine Burke and her inspiring work, you can follow her journey on Twitter @BurkevonRiddern, Facebook @ForensicGeneticGenealogist, and Instagram @DNAGeneticGenealogist.

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