Women's Journal

Stay Positive and Reap the Benefits of Confidence

Stay Positive and Reap the Benefits of Confidence
Photo Courtesy: OviPhysiques

Women looking to start up a fitness program are unfortunately surrounded by predatory practices, and they take many forms. Sometimes, a big-name trainer will try to sway mass amounts of people with big, colorful advertisements displaying their physique, even though they don’t follow the program they’d give to you. Supplements, despite the nomenclature suggesting optionality, are marketed as essential for fat burning or optimum fitness. Fad diets come at you in two ways: either ads are marketed at you to make you feel ashamed of the foods that you do eat, or they push a specific—and typically expensive—food or smoothie that you can’t do without. It’s no wonder so many women leave their programs a few weeks in. For women who want a positive program, OviPhysiques offers a solution. Ovi Ilica has grown his training brand to fix the unhealthy dent of “quick fixes” in the fitness industry.  

For Ovi, this business is his dream. He feels grateful to wake up and work on exercise and diet programs for all his clients because of how passionate he is about fitness. Before he worked as a trainer and started OviPhysiques, Ovi was much less in control of his life, especially in the workplace. The first time he was laid off, he felt frustrated and scared for the state of his family. He found more work and got laid off again. This time, more clear-headed, he followed his heart and created an LLC after getting certified as a nutrition specialist and personal trainer. He continues his education with ACE and ISSA, the American Council on Exercise and the International Sports Sciences Association, respectively, and he got a TRX certification while working at Orangetheory. Additionally, at that job, he coached over 7,500 classes and took the titles of Dual Head Coach and Regional Manager. Ovi has competed in Men’s Physique bodybuilding shows, and he’s written over 800 unique programs for clients. His passion drives him, and he wants to show his son, with every day at work, that you can be happy and successful if you believe in your potential. His philosophy is an extension of this passion and positivity

One pillar of Ovi’s approach to making a program for a client is listening. He needs to know where clients stand on what they find to be their own strengths, and he wants clients to know that strengths are where to start. Women get targeted with negativity in all sorts of fitness ads, but there’s a great sense of relief and motivation when you can start off with things in your comfort zone. Maybe you used to dance, skate, or run in school. You’re probably keen on stretching, and that’s a great way to get moving! Alternatively, you might not feel confident at all in your fitness, but you’re an excellent communicator at work and in your social life. You can spend the early part of your program working heavily on form, with significant communication to help you feel comfortable. If you’re someone who snacks a lot, how can you incorporate foods that make you feel energized into a snack break? If you cook, what are some universal changes that give recipes better nutrients without sacrificing flavor? All of these reflect a positive approach; Ovi will always advocate for adding something or starting with a technique instead of reducing or taking away. 

This philosophy bleeds into future sessions. Clients consistently find themselves gaining confidence as they continue training and see (and feel!) their bodies change. What may have started as a weight loss goal could add aspects related to a sport you’ve always wanted to try or improve everyday function. Positivity challenges the myth of motivation. The myth of motivation is the idea that ‘motivation’ is some specter that lives outside of a person and finds its way to one’s brain via speeches or outside factors. It separates the term from the definition. Motivation can’t exist on its own, and it needs to be supplemented with practice. For long-term goals, consistency beats motivation. If you ask a client, “Are you motivated to lose weight?” of course they are! It’s developing positive practices that bring continuous motivation, so Ovi focuses on building up his clients rather than his bank account. If you want to know what you’re capable of, you should train with someone who believes in the extreme possibilities of your potential. Work with Ovi and the OviPhysiques program, and change the way you move, think, and believe in yourself. 


Published by: Khy Talara

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