Women's Journal

Travel Light, Travel Far: Essential Packing Strategies from Wanderers Compass

Wanderers Compass: Essential Packing Strategies
Photo: Unsplash.com

By: Hannah Scott

Picture this: You’ve just arrived at your dream destination after months of planning and anticipation. But instead of diving into the adventure, you’re scrambling through local shops, trying to replace forgotten items. Suddenly, your dream trip feels more like a stress test. 

Many people are familiar with this scenario, which highlights how crucial packing is to the travel experience. In fact, a study reveals that 62% of travelers admit that poor packing has negatively impacted their trips, underscoring the thin line between travel bliss and suitcase blues.

Enter Joelle Machia and Ryan Slough, the minds behind Wanderers Compass, who have refined their packing techniques through extensive travel, offering valuable insights into effective packing. 

“Packing isn’t just about what you take; it’s about bringing along the confidence to enjoy your journey,” they advise. Joelle and Ryan are not just experienced travelers; they are dedicated guides, helping others explore the world with ease and authenticity through their insightful blog. 

With over 15k followers on Instagram and a whopping 60k followers on Facebook, it’s safe to say that this duo may know a thing or two about traveling. Let’s explore their top tips for packing that suitcase.

Mastering the Packing List

When you’re racing against the clock to catch a flight, it’s nearly impossible to keep everything in mind. This is where a well-crafted packing list can be invaluable.

A comprehensive packing list is the backbone of any successful trip. Creating a detailed list can help travelers ensure they bring everything they need without succumbing to the common pitfall of overpacking. 

Travel experts like Joelle and Ryan emphasize the importance of starting the packing process early. Joelle suggests, “When you lay out everything early, it not only ensures you won’t forget the essentials but also helps in shedding unneeded extras, reducing overpacking.” This approach allows travelers to deliberate on each item’s necessity, ensuring a streamlined suitcase filled only with essentials.

Smart Packing Strategies

Effective packing doesn’t end with making a list; it extends to how you organize the contents of your suitcase. Utilizing packing tools like cubes and travel-sized containers can transform the packing and unpacking process. 

Joelle and Ryan have found that these tools help maintain order and save time. “Using packing cubes, we could easily find what we needed without disrupting our entire suitcase,” Ryan shares. 

They also emphasize the importance of using a digital luggage scale to avoid last-minute stress over baggage weight limits at the airport. After all, the last thing anyone rushing to catch a flight wants is to be held up at the check-in counter, trying to lose weight on the luggage. 

Preparing for the Unexpected

The unpredictability of travel necessitates a packing strategy that accommodates unexpected events, from delays to lost luggage. Smart travelers prepare by packing essential items in their carry-on and making copies of important documents. 

Reflecting on her own experiences, Joelle notes, “Having a change of clothes and essential documents in my carry-on was a lifesaver when my checked luggage was delayed in Italy.” Such preparation helps maintain the joy and excitement of travel, even when faced with unforeseen challenges.

This demonstrates that packing is far more than just a preparatory step; it’s a crucial part of the travel experience itself. By packing thoughtfully, travelers ensure they’re well-prepared, sidestepping the common headaches that can easily mar a trip.

By incorporating strategies advocated by experienced travelers like Joelle and Ryan, anyone can enhance their travel experience, focusing more on enjoying the journey and less on managing belongings.

With effective packing strategies, you set out on your travels not just prepared but empowered and relaxed, knowing that your well-packed suitcase is the first step to an incredible adventure. Remember, the true purpose of packing is not merely to prepare—it’s to enhance your journey, making every trip as enjoyable and carefree as possible.


Published By: Aize Perez

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