Women's Journal

My Aligned Life: Empowering Professional Women Through Authentic Alignment

My Aligned Life Empowering Professional Women Through Authentic Alignment
Photo Courtesy: Laura Southall

By: Nic Abelian 

Laura Southall, founder of My Aligned Life, is making waves in the world of professional coaching. With over 14 years in the wellness industry, including a successful tenure as a corporate gym fitness manager in West Hollywood, Laura is dedicated to empowering women to rediscover their inner magic and create lives of authentic alignment. Her journey into natural healing began in a doctor’s office, facing a life-altering autoimmune diagnosis. “They told me I’d be on these debilitating medications for life,” Laura recalls. “But for a mom of two young boys, that just wasn’t an option.”

Laura’s transformative journey into natural healing methods led her to change her lifestyle profoundly. “I let go of stress, I let go of toxic media, I ate foods to nourish my body, I forgave myself and others, I moved my body in new ways. I healed my life, body, mind, and spirit,” she explains. Her story is one of resilience and reinvention, choosing a path of holistic wellness and self-discovery that restored her health and revealed her life’s purpose. Laura now empowers women to take control of their health and lives, guiding them to reconnect with their inner voice, personal peace, and mind-body balance.

Founded two years ago, My Aligned Life is the culmination of Laura’s personal triumph and professional expertise. “So many of us are masters of shapeshifting,” Laura says. “We morph ourselves to fit every role—boss, mother, partner—until we lose sight of who we truly are.” This observation led to the birth of My Aligned Life, Laura’s unique coaching practice that’s part sanctuary, part launchpad for women ready to redefine success on their own terms.

Through her signature programs, The Flow Pathway and The Freedom Pathway, Laura offers tailored approaches for women at different stages of their mind-body journey. Her unique blend of timeless wisdom and modern sophistication resonates deeply with high-achieving women seeking more fulfillment, purpose, and intention in their busy lives.

Laura’s approach is anything but one-size-fits-all. Her two signature programs meet women exactly where they are on their journey. Whether you’re just starting to feel the disconnect or you’re ready to elevate your already-in-progress transformation, Laura has a roadmap for you. What sets Laura apart isn’t just her impressive list of certifications—though with credentials as a Behavioral Change Specialist, Stress Management expert, and 300-hour Yoga instructor, she’s got plenty. It’s her ability to blend ancient wisdom with cutting-edge techniques, creating a practical approach to modern life.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Laura’s expertise in maintaining wellness during challenging times earned her a television appearance, showcasing her ability to adapt and lead in crisis situations. This experience further solidified her reputation as a versatile and resilient coach, capable of guiding women through even the most turbulent times.

Laura’s approach is unique in its holistic integration of mind, body, and spirit wellness with professional development. She doesn’t just help women manage stress or lose weight; she guides them to realign their entire lives with their authentic selves and deepest aspirations, one step at a time. “I’m not here to add more to your to-do list,” Laura emphasizes. “My work is about teaching women to turn down the volume of the world and its distractions. I give them the tools and space to figure out who they are, what they want, what needs to be left behind, and what needs to start. Then we take that path together.”

The results speak for themselves. Laura’s clients don’t just achieve goals; they create lives they want to fully embrace. “True transformation isn’t about getting from point A to Z,” Laura explains. “It’s about creating a new reality where you never want to return to point A.”

Laura Southall’s unique approach to wellness and personal development includes:

  • Holistic Transformation: Integrating mindset, emotions, and fitness for lasting change
  • Personalized Programming: Tailored programs addressing individual needs and circumstances
  • Flexible Integration: Combining various techniques (meditation, journaling, workouts) based on client needs
  • Lifestyle Compatibility: Transformative approaches that fit into existing routines
  • Client-Centered Pace: Meeting clients where they are, progressing at their optimal speed
  • Personal Experience: Leveraging her own journey of overcoming autoimmune issues
  • Corporate Insight: 14 years in the wellness industry, understanding high-achievers challenges
  • Dual Pathways: The Flow and Freedom programs for different life stages
  • Ripple Effect Focus: Emphasizing broader impact on workplaces, families, and communities
  • Safe Space Creation: Judgment-free environment for authentic exploration
  • Adaptable Strategies: Proven ability to adjust approaches during global challenges

Laura Southall’s vision is clear: to empower women to live in true alignment with their authentic selves. Her unique combination of personal experience and professional expertise provides a powerful foundation for her coaching practice. My Aligned Life offers more than inspiration—it provides a roadmap for women who have achieved outward success but feel a disconnect within. It’s for those curious about what life could look like when lived in true alignment and for anyone ready to redefine success on their own terms.

For more information, visit My Aligned Life and follow Laura on Instagram at My Aligned Life Instagram.


Published by: Khy Talara

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