Women's Journal

Frendii Connects Women, Combats Social Isolation

Frendii Connects Women, Combats Social Isolation
Photo Courtesy: Martha Gamboa / Founder and CEO of Frendii

Social isolation is becoming one of society’s significant challenges, with implications that stretch far beyond emotional well-being. As more individuals, especially older adults, find themselves living in solitude, the long-term effects on mental and physical health are becoming increasingly apparent. According to the World Health Organization, 1 in every four older people experience self-isolation and loneliness, and this has been linked to numerous health issues, including heart disease, cognitive decline, and a higher risk of mortality.

But in a world where digital connections seem to dominate, how do we foster meaningful human interaction, especially for those vulnerable to isolation? 

Support groups and organizations like Frendii are created to help people battling social isolation.

A Personal Mission Born from Real Experiences

Frendii, founded by Martha Gamboa, is a social app for women over 50, a dedicated platform helping women find community and combat social isolation when they need it most.

Martha’s journey into health and wellness didn’t begin in a corporate office but rather on a deeply personal path. With over 25 years in financial services, sales, and marketing, Martha had already built a career rooted in people management and communication. However, a health revelation led her to transition into personal training, where she began empowering women over 40 to lead healthier, more active lives.

Her entrepreneurial spirit was ignited when she realized that helping women with physical fitness was only part of the solution. A particularly eye-opening experience occurred when one of her clients, a retired and divorced empty-nester, hired Martha to walk with her four days a week. The client, despite having friends and family, lived alone, and her closest friend was a 40-minute drive away. This regular companionship was transformative for her client’s emotional well-being, and Martha recognized that this was a broader issue—many women, especially those over 50, face shrinking social circles and fewer opportunities to form new connections.

This experience planted the seed for Frendii. “I realized that beyond fitness, women needed a way to maintain and expand their social networks, especially as they face major life transitions,” Martha shares. “I wanted to create a space where women could connect, share experiences, and uplift one another.”

Frendii: Changing Lives, One Social Event at a Time

In 2015, Martha began her entrepreneurial journey with her personal training business, helping women live happier and healthier through diet and exercise one hour at a time. Fast-forward to today, and through Frendii, she is helping women live happier and healthier one event at a time. Frendii is a solution to the growing problem of social isolation among women over 50. 

However the idea of creating a platform to foster social interaction stayed with her. Fast forward to today, and Frendii is her solution to the growing problem of social isolation among women over 50.

Frendii is more than just a social platform; it’s a movement to improve the health and well-being of women by fostering meaningful connections. Through regular, curated social events, Frendii helps women create lasting friendships, bond over shared experiences, and rediscover the joy of social engagement. Whether it’s through monthly group activities or wellness workshops, Frendii provides a safe, supportive environment where women can thrive both mentally and physically.

“Loneliness and isolation aren’t just emotional issues; they’re health issues,” Martha explains. “We know that women who maintain strong social ties live longer, healthier lives. Frendii is our way of providing women with the tools and opportunities to strengthen those bonds.”

The Science Behind Social Isolation and Health

Social isolation doesn’t just make people feel lonely—it actively harms their health. Studies have shown that prolonged isolation can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and dementia. Those who are socially isolated are also at a greater risk of depression and anxiety, and research even suggests that isolation can increase the risk of premature death as much as smoking or obesity.

Frendii addresses this by combining wellness with social interaction. The platform’s events are designed not just to be enjoyable but also to provide women with a sense of belonging, a key factor in combating the negative effects of isolation. The approach is simple yet powerful: by bringing women together regularly, Frendii helps them maintain and improve their mental and physical health through friendship and community.

Martha Gamboa’s mission is clear: to revolutionize how women over 50 experience social connections and to combat the silent epidemic of loneliness. “Frendii is about creating a community where women feel seen, heard, and valued,” Martha shares. “It’s about building friendships that go beyond the screen and giving women the confidence to live their best lives.”

With her background in business and people management, Martha has positioned Frendii to not only address the problem of social isolation but also to create long-lasting solutions that improve overall well-being. As the platform continues to grow, it’s evident that Frendii is changing lives, one social event at a time.

Frendii is a breath of fresh air, offering a much-needed counterbalance by using technology to bring people together in real, meaningful ways. And for the women who have found connection and friendship through Frendii, the impact is undeniable.

As Martha herself says, “We’re not just building a business; we’re building a community, and in doing so, we’re changing lives.” Join them here. 

Published by: Josh Tatunay

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