Women's Journal

Black Women Are the Storm: A Brand Fueling Change and Empowerment

Black Women Are the Storm Empowering Change Through Fashion_2
Photo Courtesy: Alegra Hall

By: Alegra Hall, My Media Buzz

Inspired by the iconic words of Oprah Winfrey, “Black Women Are the Storm” is more than just a fashion brand—it’s a powerful movement and a bold statement of empowerment. Co-creators Kim Alfonso and Cheri Freeman-Watkins were struck by the power and truth in Oprah’s statement, a phrase that resonated deeply with their personal experiences as Black women. This profound connection led them to launch Black Women Are the Storm Apparel, with the mission to share the message of empowerment with the world, one piece of clothing at a time. 

“When Kim first heard Oprah’s words, she instantly connected. She shared it with me, and I was immediately on board,” Cheri says. “We knew we had to do something bigger with it, something that could reach women far and wide. Apparel felt like the perfect avenue—a visible, everyday statement of who we are and the change we represent.”

At its core, Black Women Are the Storm is about recognizing and celebrating the unstoppable force that Black women have been throughout history and continue to be today. It’s a powerful message communicated through thoughtfully designed T-shirts, hats, and other apparel. Each item carries with it the spirit of resilience, strength, and transformation, reminding the wearer—and those around them—of their power to be a force for change.

A Storm of Strength and Renewal

The metaphor of a storm is especially poignant. While storms can be disruptive, fierce, and destructive, they pave the way for renewal and growth. According to Kim, “Yes, storms can turn things upside down, but after the storm passes, there’s a calm, a clarity, and a fresh opportunity to rebuild. That’s precisely what we want our apparel to represent: the power to tear down what no longer serves us and the beauty that follows as we rebuild something better. 

This vision feels especially relevant in today’s cultural and social climate. In the U.S., where conversations about racial and gender inequality are ongoing, Black women have consistently played a vital role—advocating for progress, standing resilient in the face of challenges, and leading efforts toward equality. As co-visionaries Kim and Cheri passionately state, “A storm is necessary—our storms are necessary. Black Women Are the Storm is the force we need to reshape the world around us, and we’re just getting started. Get ready for it!”

Black Women Are the Storm Empowering Change Through Fashion

Photo Courtesy: Alegra Hall

A Mission Rooted in Equity and Inclusion

The brand’s parent company, ResultsOne, is no stranger to the work of inclusion, equity, and justice. With a long-standing commitment to creating accessible, dignified environments for all, ResultsOne’s mission aligns perfectly with the empowering vision of Black Women Are the Storm. Through its work, ResultsOne has always been about empowering people—especially women and communities of color—to thrive in professional environments where their voices are heard and their contributions are valued.

Throughout history, Black women have been fighting for themselves and their entire community. They have often played key roles in driving change, yet their contributions are frequently underappreciated. According to the co-founders, “Black Women Are the Storm is our way of acknowledging that truth and celebrating the fact that, whether recognized or not, we will continue to be that storm.”

Building a Brand of Passion and Purpose

Launching a brand from scratch is no easy feat, especially in the competitive fashion world. But the founders of Black Women Are the Storm were driven by more than just business—they were fueled by a passion to uplift and inspire. “There have definitely been challenges,” the co-founders admit. “But every time we see a woman wearing one of our shirts or rocking one of our hats, it reminds us why we do what we do. It makes all the hard work worth it.”

Each piece of Black Women Are the Storm apparel is designed to make the wearer feel powerful, confident, and in touch with their strength. Whether it’s a bold slogan emblazoned on a shirt or a stylish hat that serves as a subtle reminder, the goal is to help women feel empowered and ready to tackle whatever comes their way.

Empowering Women Through Fashion and Strength

As the brand grows, Black Women Are the Storm remains steadfast in its mission to be more than just a fashion line. It’s a rallying cry for all women—especially Black women—to step into their power, embrace their inner storm, and use it to create the change the world desperately needs.

For more information, visit their website. For inquiries, contact cfreemanwatkins@resultsonellc.com or call 202-744-2086. Storms are coming, and they’re changing the world. Get ready!

Published by: Martin De Juan

This article features branded content from a third party. Opinions in this article do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of Women's Journal.