Women's Journal

Meet Renel Kiriakos, an Actress Whose Passion and Talent Know No Bounds

In the entertainment industry, one might very quickly learn that creativity and versatility reign supreme. The ability to innovate and push the limits of what is possible, whether in acting, music, dance, or any other kind of artistic expression, is what distinguishes great icons. 

Renel Kiriakos, an actress with British and Greek roots, is one such artist whose passion and talent know no bounds. Her acting credits showcase her versatility and talent, such as in short films like “The Mysterious Cloth” in 2019 as well as “We Are Friends” and “Speed Dating” in 2018.

Her journey from childhood roles to an accomplished career is proof of her boundless artistic abilities and dedication to numerous crafts. Given her broad range of skills and a thirst for artistic expression, Renel has carved her own path, impressing audiences and critics with her magnetic presence and remarkable performances.

Tell us about your background—when and where were you born?

Renel Kiriakos: I was born in Greece, and I was raised moving in and out of two countries. I also have British ancestry from my father’s side. Growing up, I was exposed to the rich culture of both Greek and British traditions. This experience had a big impact on my artistic inclinations.

How has your background influenced your acting career?

RK: From a young age, I was enamored by the captivating world of theater. Both the ancient theatrical plays of Greece and the classical theatrical works of the British stage had great influences on me. These influential legacies have inspired me to explore the depths of storytelling and the transformative power of performance, fueling my passion for acting and shaping the way I approach characters.

What was your educational journey like?

RK: When I was a teenager, I had the wonderful opportunity to immerse myself in various forms of art while attending high school. We were encouraged to explore theatrical plays and cultivate our creative talents because of mandatory subjects like music and art.  Later on, I took my degree in pop music and further expanded my artistic horizons by delving into dancing styles such as Bellydance, modern dance, and Latin.

How have your degrees in classical studies contributed to your acting abilities?

RK: My first degree in Egyptology and classical civilization, obtained in Swansea, Wales, provided a fascinating understanding of ancient cultures and human history. This was a beautiful experience, moving into a beautiful small town. Building upon this, I took on a second degree in London, studying archaeology and classical studies while simultaneously pursuing my dream of an acting career. I also took the time to study at Actor Studios, United Kingdom, which has refined my craft and helped me bring characters to life with depth and emotion.

How has your youth shaped your approach to acting?

RK: Growing up in an environment immersed in acting and the performing arts, I gained a deep understanding of the transformative nature of the craft. Acting has the power to shape ideologies and behaviors, transcending age and connecting people across generations. As I matured, I realized that age is not a limitation but rather a catalyst for growth and a deeper understanding of the human experience. With each passing year, I embrace new layers of life experiences that enrich my approach to acting. I believe this allows me to bring a more nuanced and authentic portrayal of the characters I play.

Do you believe your eyes greatly affect your characters?

RK: My eye color is a blend of brown and green, which I believe adds a unique dimension to the characters I portray. Eyes are often considered windows to the soul, and I find that my eye color can convey a wide range of emotions and enhance the depth and complexity of the characters I bring to life. It adds an element of intrigue and intensity, allowing me to convey a strong personality and intelligence through my performances.

Renel Kiriakos, an Actress in Pursuit of Her Dreams

In the words of Renel Kiriakos herself, “Follow your dream, and you will always be the winner.” With her determination and undeniable talent, the rising star is a force to be reckoned with. Her captivating presence on screen, together with her extensive training in acting, dance, and music, makes her a versatile performer capable of portraying a wide array of roles. As she delves into future projects, collaborations, and new horizons, Renel’s artistic journey promises to be one of continuous growth and artistic exploration.

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